Enlarged pores are sometimes a source of complexity, especially when they appear in the middle of our face. Fortunately, aesthetic medicine nowadays makes it possible to put an end to enlarged pores.

What are enlarged pores?

THE Pores correspond to micro-orifices present on the surface of the skin in the middle area of ​​the face (also called T zone: forehead, nose, chin) and on the cheeks ). Pores are essential to our skin , they allow it to breathe by evacuating sebum and dead cells.

At the origin of enlarged pores, there is often a excessive production of sebum. Associated with dead skin and various impurities that accumulate (make-up, dust, etc.), pores become clogged. The sebum cannot evacuate naturally and the comedo rears its ugly head. If no care is taken, pores tend to enlarge, they become more visible, and so do blackheads.

When they are visible it is because they are dilated by the accumulation of impurities and sebum , which can even lead to formation of blackheads and pimples.

Their diameter tends to increase with age with the skin sagging and lack of firmness that sets in and the solar damage .

THE from mixed to oily skin are the most subject to pores have an irregular skin texture with more or less enlarged pores, blackheads or even skin that tends to shine quickly during the day due to excess sebum.

If your skin is dehydrated, that is to say it feels tight and your T zone tends to shine, it is because it lack of fat . Know that our body naturally contains hyaluronic acid , which hydrates the skin. During external aggressions, such as cold, wind or pollution, your skin tries to defend itself, and the quantity of hyaluronic acid it has may have weakened more quickly than expected.

Enlarged pores: the causes?

There are several causes of enlarged pores:

    • heredity : In most cases, people with enlarged pores have a family member with the same characteristics.
    • A hormonal imbalance : especially during puberty, menopause or even during pregnancy.
    • Dehydration of the skin : dehydrated skin is often more prone to the appearance of enlarged pores.
    • Poor lifestyle : a diet too rich in fat or even tobacco can facilitate the appearance of enlarged pores. Indeed, a diet that is too rich contributes to making the skin oily. As for nicotine, present in cigarettes, it will have a negative effect on the hyaluronic acid contained in the skin and responsible for hydrating it.
    • The sun and UV rays : after prolonged exposure to the sun, the skin thickens and thus retains sebum more easily in the skin. After a few weeks, it will thin out and evacuate excess sebum, contributing to the appearance of enlarged pores.
    • A makeup too heavy

Remedy to tighten enlarged pores?

Enlarged pores are often considered an unsightly problem and there are many possible techniques to remedy them and aesthetic medicine is the effective remedy to combat the appearance of enlarged pores.

Whatever the solution chosen, the result of the peel is transient (a few months). You should therefore not interrupt the application of exfoliating creams on a daily basis.


"This treatment promotes cell renewal, which helps unclog pores and refine skin texture. and give a new glow to the face", On average, three to six sessions are necessary (to be spread every 15 days).

Superficial peeling sessions exfoliate the superficial cells of the skin using more or less concentrated concentrations of fruit acid. They improve skin texture, tighten pores and eliminate microcysts (or closed comedones) and blackheads.

Advantage : you can resume your activities immediately after the session since there is no scarring.


TCA Peel which does not cause social exclusion because the particles penetrate deeply without exfoliating the skin.


Composed of glycolic acid, Glycolic peeling causes irritation to the skin which causes it to peel. This leaves room for brand new skin, without skin imperfections

What results? This technique offers a new skin effect that resets the counters to zero. As a bonus, it offers a real boost of radiance in addition to correcting enlarged pores.


This is the lactic acid peel (available in peeling set with the pre peeling..) allow in 4 to 6 sessions to visibly tighten the pores of the skin.

Fruit acid peeling. It is intended for people with small pores. Apply the product for one to two minutes: “We feel that the skin is starting to heat up, but it remains completely bearable. When we leave, our face is red, but it fades quickly,” reassures Dr. Plasqui. Then apply the neutralizer and rinse with water.


As with products based on this powerful molecule, it is recommended to reserve this treatment for mature skin with moderately enlarged pores: “This peel will help cleanse the skin flora (external part of the microbiota) in depth” . This is usually where bacteria are most present

Such as peels PURPLE 1/2/4 MCCM


Salicylic peel mccm


The Hydrafacial technique combines gentle micro-abrasion with suction of blackheads and impurities, combined with an LED to tighten pores and improve skin texture and hydration.

Allow 3 to 4 sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart to eliminate imperfections and one session to maintain the effects of the hydrafacial every 3 to 4 months depending on the appearance of the skin.

THE Hydrafacial aesthetic treatment deeply cleanses the skin. This treatment eliminates deep impurities and sebum, exfoliates the skin and unclogs pores. The result is visible from the first session, we see tightened pores and improved skin texture.

Use the products:

Hydrofacial S1 S2 S3

Salicylic Removing Mccm : treatment of enlarged pores in mesotherapy. Salicylic Removing improves the epidermis and renews the skin, improves the appearance of pro-acne skin, eliminates imperfections, revitalizes and restores the skin's youthful glow


The dermaroller and the dermaroller with infusion (this is the principle of Dermafrac) gradually tighten the pores without social exclusion. Several sessions are carried out.

Ampoules to use for pores with the Dermaroller : Pore ​​minimizer or Salicylic acid


The needling technique, carried out using the dermapen , is a technique which gives light results on the pores and is one of the light facial aesthetic treatments.

Ampoules to use for pores with the dermapen: Pore ​​minimizer or Salicylic acid

Skin boosters to close facial skin pores

This type of hyaluronic acid was designed exclusively for the skin. The dermal thickening resulting from this injection makes the pores less visible. Depending on the skin type, one to three sessions are carried out.



We will use this superficial micro-injection technique to “feed” the skin with a cocktail combining vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and hyaluronic acid. These micro-injections will be carried out gently, every 15 days / 3 times in a row

Using the cocktail that is the pore minimizer

Deeply cleanse your skin

THE makeup removal is the basics, but you still need to know which makeup remover to use "Some women want to do the right thing, yet they make things worse by overusing makeup removers that are too abrasive," says dermatologist Fabienne Ballanger-Desolneux.


Moisturize your face with a treatment suitable for enlarged pores

Hydration is essential, even oily skin needs to be hydrated.

But to avoid using the wrong products and accentuate certain imperfections, you need to know your skin type . Because by choosing our treatments intelligently, we hydrate our face without making it greasy and we reduce the risk of seeing our pores dilate. In addition, a suitable product constitutes an effective complement to dermatological treatment as well as an excellent base before applying makeup.

In the morning , choose a care product with a light texture: SERUM SKIN REPAIR and alternate with a special pore cream: the PORES REPAIR MCCM

In the evening, we apply a product with fruit acids (ATA) using the mesoroller to facilitate the elimination of blackheads on the nose but also on the cheeks and improve enlarged pores.

For more mature skin , the dermatologist more readily prescribes a vitamin A cream

Do not neglect your healthy lifestyle

All the care in the world will be insignificant in the face of poor lifestyle: tobacco, stress, unbalanced diet, fatigue and unsuitable contraception

We therefore reduce or stop our tobacco consumption which promotes blackheads and microcysts. Finally, we moderate our exposure to the sun .